Friday, May 29, 2009

Futanari Kokoro Tenshin Eng

between passion and identity

character I've always had the need to create something "tangible", staff, and for six years when I worked in finance (I started at 23 years) this part of my being remained dormant, then exploded, bursting. Today, after more than 20 years that I work with passion to run the family farm, I see that the financial crisis has highlighted the structural weaknesses and moral that I perceived at that time in the environment that I had attended as a youth.

Want to put a glass of wine, or bruschetta with fresh oil to a cold statement. Sure

Agriculture is hard, and the economic rewards are not comparable, but when you open a bottle, which contains all the passion you gave and your philosophy, that's the question changes in appearance, and find yourself in that bottle, your culture , your story, your sacrifices.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kaites Playground Golf

Maya Maya Store Opening - May 10-Galluzzo

Sunday, May 10 .. the store Maya at Galluzzo Via Senese 203 / R will be open all day during the "May Day" .. In this regard we look forward to promotions within Store and unrepeatable opportunities!!

addition to Galluzzo will be the party with the market in the town center and a beautiful display of vintage motorcycles to the Agip petrol station ..

We wait!