Let's hope so. However, by Gaddafi.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
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SPENDS Minzolini Italy, with a heavy heart we pay
(from the daily)
Augusto Minzolini is not well. Only those who knew him decades ago when it sped to the Roman palaces on scooters, popping out from behind doors, under tables s'inguattava disguised as a planter always looking for rumors, gossip, behind the scenes, sometimes even some news (type the pact "of the tart," D'Alema and Berlusconi home beds), may include the severity of the syndrome that has hit . A long sought the news, now hidden (last companies: the lynching of Saviano and mute the whistles against B.). Without the proper proportions, it is as if the inspector Derrick snatch a little old lady, or whether Berlusconi should send back a minor.
Appointment as a director of Tg1, chauffeur driven car and credit card embedded, it has been fatal. Not enough fat salary of 550 thousand euro a year at taxpayers' expense , began using the card corporate credit to the right and misses, to a remarkable total of 86 000 € in 15 months, of which 68 000 were not justified according to his own patron Mauro Masi. Often, the ubiquitous direttorissimo was in his office in Rome, while the paper now has its own life, playfully crawled between Marrakech and Dubai. It is now under investigation by the Court and the Prosecutor's Office also investigates Rome.
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(from Conchita de Gregorio - The Unit)
From 66 years now we have never been so closer to being - Italy - a country at war. Missing a step, moreover, not ours. Depend, in the next hours, the decisions of America, France and England, mainly depend on the mood of Colonel Gaddafi and this is a certainty that leaves no room for much hope. Gaddafi is a fool, probably has chemical weapons and missiles, is under our feet, a hundred miles from our shores, on the other side of the sea. "We expect tough decisions," Napolitano said yesterday that the president knows what he speaks, unlike the vast majority of Italians of war the president has already experienced a ... All the others, all of us, all those who were born after the 40s have no idea. The wars, bombs, missiles, clouds, the corpses on the roadside we saw them on TV and film in such great quantity and frequency, they were real or fiction, to be convinced that they know what they are. But no, we have no idea. So prepare to tough decisions, yes, and to address - as we will be able to - day at those difficulties.
prepare to discuss new just war, we hope to hear the first whistle. You can not just leave the heroes of the "new renaissance of the Arab world", in the words of Napolitano, of course not. You can not celebrate our twenty-hundred and fifty years ago and ignore their twenties today. These that we tell and Benghazi Giovannangeli Umberto de Gabriele Del Grande: "They dance, running, singing and firing into the air. They are the children of the revolution. The United Nations Security Council has just approved the resolution on the no fly zone. On the street have poured thousands of cars. The boys sing "IRFA raskum door libi ', rears its head are a Libyan. The militiamen of Gaddafi continue undisturbed to hit civilians. In the square there are thousands of people pressed against each other. "
must be with them whatever the economic, military, strategic, superpower, whatever the real issues that drive the U.S. and NATO And we all know how many and what are these arguments. As can be specific with regard to Libya. Defending democracy, if that were possible, it is usually at the bottom of the list. In words at the top, in substance at the bottom. Wars, always move the economy of those who practice them. But of course the fight against the dictator, the Arab support for the Risorgimento ignite tempers and passions: the reason, too. They are a noble and just cause. So Italy is ready, will provide bases and armed forces. He voted, only the league has stonewalled: The second missed opportunity, in two days, take the side of the country.
remains very afraid of the price that we and only we Italians may have to pay for rapidity with which our prime minister - now known as "Betty" by her friends for a fee - has passed from kissing the helmet. Gaddafi's friend, only now rediscovered enemy, may be affected in a personal way: the category of betrayal in his eyes, could include the whole of Italy. One more reason to go to this war with a heavy heart, and grieve with ourselves - we Italians - for leaving so long and so disastrously the fortunes of the country in the hands of a seller of lies masquerading as a statesman.
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a Franco victory speech published today, Saturday, March 19, 2011 at Unity
year in the Senate the week of 8 March some positive results for women has brought him: a bill on women on the boards of private and public companies listed on stock exchanges (which have yet to be confirmed by the House) and a point on women and media.
was crucial for both cross-fertilization among women, who made an attempt to bank a lot of men (as demonstrated in the numerous statements of dissent) to scuttle the law on units or to reach a vote in opposition on the motions on women and media. We managed to avoid it, thanks to the tenacity and drive awareness of the value of women. This is also the effect of the large demonstration on 13 February. On average women and was not granted to arrive at a result shared ...
After a less than positive opinion of the Government on the texts of the opposition, we have responded and reported a negative prejudice which would weigh on other issues in the future, aware that women's divisions serve only to score an advantage for men. At that point, the initiative of some women in the majority and opposition, we managed to get a hold of the discussion to write a text together. We are confronted with passion and vitality, but we managed to the satisfaction of all. When it comes to women's bodies or measures that are earning their positions, the transversality is an added value. And only the transversality gives women the opportunity to exercise autonomy, the great principle that the males are not always able to recognize and that is a value for all, irrespective of the grid which they belong. At this point, the commitments for the government are important and we sincerely hope that whoever is there to honor. I like to remember someone, such as the elaboration of a draft code of practice providing guidance to the broadcasting system that achieves the maximum respect of the representation of female figure, take into account in the contract of service 2010-2012, the principles expressed in the opinion of the supervisory Commissioned Rai, the demand for a greater weight of women in management positions within the public service, taking initiatives laws to implement EU directives, the development of other models of women, greater attention to those who come to earn a place in the world of culture, the professions of 'art and science.
We will be watching: you can not continue to have space in the media only if you are victims or tissue.
Much still needs to change.
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Fund (Conchita De Gregorio, The Unit)
"The teacher said that there are the museums open tonight, must go and see. He said that we all have 150 years, even me. " It was eleven o'clock at night when the little house, waiting for us awake, welcomed us to return with these words. He had his jacket and bow tie with elastic band, ready to exit. They lined the other, we left all. At midnight the fireworks on the Tiber, people in the rain as it was morning. At one o'clock, the Capitoline Museums, the queue at the entrance to go see Marcus Aurelius. Before us a group of teenagers. Families with children holding hands around the wolf. Crowd on the stairs, the crowd in Piazza Venezia, the crowd at the Quirinale. Music everywhere, children everywhere. And tricolor cockade. Italy is an amazing country ... is a country that would say the brink of collapse and then to one at night - in every street in every city, grandparents and grandchildren, in bulk - out of their houses and we all went to celebrate 150 years, all said the teacher, too. It is a country that goes back to study the names of the "young and daring young protagonists of those companies," Napolitano said yesterday, those kids for twenty years and a half centuries ago have made Italy, which he rears of patriotic pride under the storm, which is outside all night fills theaters and museums, the League whistles that say "waste of money, for these celebrations." And then whistle La Russa, vindictive and rancorous even spite. Whistles the prime minister who now can no longer walk road without the scream against and in fact it does not, speaks in tv phones are Vespa sends videotapes Arcore barricades himself in his bunker bunga, just when he has to move from the Gianicolo, or to visit a church for the tap out of the institutional obligation back, hide, sneak away from a secondary exit to avoid being noticed. At the whistle the crowd responds, "I do not leave the country in the hands of the Communists." Pathetic, now. Out of place anywhere but where he can check off the claque.
It very impressive to hear the minister Stefania Prestigiacomo said "it's over, I can not risk the election for nuclear power. We do not do shit. We must get out but so soft. " It is impressive to the point at which it says is only now. Not in front of Japanese apocalypse, no. They were all composed, "go ahead, do not change our nuclear program, we do not involve emotional wave." Emotional wave? The thrill is not it a useful tool to the understanding of things? Only the utility and are a reasonable profit? This is the truth: most of the disaster were able to polls. No reaction until the problem was 'only' those three or four stations away, tens of thousands of contaminants. Too bad for them, we move forward. But now there are the polls: here they are on the tables. The popularity of Prime Minister is beaten, the demand rate increases, the nuclear this time there is a quorum. So, beware of the seats we are sitting on, fellow ministers: do not do shit. Let the soft output. Briffiamoci. Take time. Then maybe we think that Gaddafi to unleash a great war in the Mediterranean, just the distraction that serves to lock down the government, no moves, you see that comes to rescue the Colonel.
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countermand the right lessons: WE DO NOT GO TO TRIAL
countermanded. An extraordinary Council of Ministers will force the Knight Monday to boycott the Parliament of the process. Even the lawyer Longo, announcing in recent days to appear in court his client, had shown a degree of skepticism. The phrase "circumstances permitting dell'ultimaora" tradivaunpresagio.Adispetto flaunted the will, Berlusconi has found a way of sheltering the Libyan crisis and the interest of the country. Alleged to have bought with $ 600,000 two examples of the lawyer Mills, Silvio has always proclaimed his innocence.
Friday, March 18, 2011
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Germany has chosen green energy - "We rely on sun and wind "
In 2050 80% of German will come from wind and photovoltaics. The reactors employ 30 thousand people, the green economy occupies 340 000
BERLIN - you see them sprout anywhere, while traveling on the highway from the capital to Monaco and Hanover and the South or West: with their soft hum of the large wind turbine blades just break the silence of the German countryside. Or anywhere on the houses of the rich Bavarian or the prefabricated blocks of flats in West Berlin to the Soviet Union that he inherited from communism, see the solar panels. Renewable energy flies in Germany. Not only on the Stock Exchange, where the titles in the last hours of SolarWorld, Q-Cells, Nordex and Siemens of clean energy industry recorded jumps from 20 to 40 percent. Do you see around every corner, has become a constitutive factor of daily life. Germany's conservative Angela Merkel, who says "when in doubt, we are for safety" stop for at least three months and seven of its 16 reactors, is also the economic power more than any other is to think and plan strategically launched the new world of energy.
How can we remain competitive and prosperous after the atom, after oil. Meanwhile, energy efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the country-took off, while those of many states voted atom, France in the lead, began to take not more than the head of the German global player in the great game of world markets.
"The environmental policy is the policy of the future, also for the economy," said Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen, Democrat as Chancellor. Official figures of his ministry, which neither businesses nor deny the Greens, are clear: the efficient use of raw materials in the German economy grew by 46.8% between 1994 and 2009, ie in the same period in which gross domestic product grew by 18.4%. The costs of the economic system of Germany fell to € 100 billion. Just as, in parallel, the percentage of energy produced by nuclear power fell from 27.3% in 1991 to a figure around 20% (up to the closure of seven reactors decided yesterday), and that of renewable flew over the same period of time from 3 , 2 to 17%. And only from 2004 to 2009 has doubled.
"The shutdown of the seven power stations, agreed by the government, should not produce shocks either for the economy, either for consumers or high-bill problems or production of electricity," said Aribert Peters, Consumer Union Energy: After the turning point of the nuclear Merkel in his bet on the markets at stable prices. Perhaps they have their reasons, do not expect environmental activists want to wildflower meadows or the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. For Germany the system, explains Dietmar Edler and Marlene O'Sullivan in a report to the DIW economic institute, renewables and alternatives have become a bargain. As with BMW and Mercedes, with Airbus and Eurofighter, here, too, made in Germany is the best on the market.
From 2007 to 2009, investments in renewable energy from 11.4 to 20.4 billion euro. The turnover of the sector, including export, is about 21 billion €, and then in three years has grown by nearly 40%. Even through the 2009 economic crisis and financial markets. Public funds and tax breaks to help growth. A production of electricity at 100% reliable sources is possible by 2050, says the Ministry of Roettgen, and the Government has set itself the target of 80%. "The majority of the center should do more and more close power before elections difficult, "notes Baerbel Hohn, one of the most listened to leaders of the Greens. But hidden just satisfaction as the center and the establishment are doing their constituent values \u200b\u200bof the environmental movement. cross-party consensus was not declared, on behalf of figures: while the German nuclear reactors employ, according to Gruenen, about 30 thousand people employed in the renewables sector have increased by about 340 thousand 277mila 2007 to present. will continue to grow long before the industry becomes saturated as auto or steel. "Farewell to nuclear may be a long process, we discuss openly if it takes ten or twenty years or how many, but it is possible," he thinks the European Greens leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
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nuclear crisis - the government concerned more
United States, live across Japan even at a distance, bluntly accused the Japanese government to lie. The situation is very serious Fukushima station by
epochal disaster. A world drama. The Italian government, after taking stock of the
manufacturers promised to return to nuclear power, he finally realized that he could not resist on
a position as dull. All the world is returning to reflect on the nuclear systems of security. Finally he relented. But the concern for the citizens has nothing to do, as revealed the phrase of the minister Stefania Prestigiacomo said on Monday in Transatlantic, a
Deputies, the colleague of Economy, Giulio Tremonti "It 's over. We can not lose elections. We do not do bullshit. "
Beyond the Italian problems, the drama of the Japanese nuclear power all over the place now
another world theme, background, including economists, industrialists and politicians do not want
speak, because they call into question an axiom: the profit and attention to one account
Economic showed, first with the financial crisis and now with this drama, which not automatically produce efficiency and safety. On the contrary, even when the Mala management can endanger the rest of humanity can still be a powerful spring that pushes to act carelessly about the fate of others.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
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Italy 150. The league of shame
Il Carroccio deserted the anniversary, Unity and despises the flag. The PD: "Too easy to make the League with other people's money! If the league is not there, we'll be there twice
raining all over Italy, but the storm comes on top of the league. On the eve of the celebration of 150 years of unification of Italy, the League's mood is spreading beyond measure, and displays of contempt for the flag become very apparent. From the PD's response is immediate: it is too easy to make the League with other people's money!
After the case of the directors of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna leaguers who have deserted the classrooms of the Regional Council at the time of Mameli Hymn, it was the turn of the leader in the House, Marco Reguzzoni to announce publicly that the celebrations for the Unification of Italy is not remotely interested and spend the day with their children, since kindergartens are closed.
to the Secretary of the PD, Pier Luigi Bersani "would be a shame if the league really boycott the celebrations for the Unification of Italy. If the league does not exist, we we twice, we get twice as much. If tomorrow a party of its majority is not in parliament, Berlusconi has said that his majority no longer exists. Berlusconi was sworn on the Constitution and the flag and you can not joke about this. "
For Massimo D'Alema "Is a scandal. A serious and intolerable act. It 'obvious that a ruling party has a duty to honor the anniversary of the Unification of Italy. This is an act that concerns the president of the Council. He is responsible, in part because the league is not known to be responsible. "
Reguzzoni the League says that tomorrow will not be in the classroom, Maroni says exactly the opposite, while Bricolo announced that it will be absent . The leadership of the League on the celebrations of the unification of Italy have a shameful attitude ", so Antonio Misiana , treasurer of the Democratic Party. "The decision to be absent is an act offensive to holding of office and oath. If you do not have the confidence to represent the country then give up the tasks and the lavish salaries they enjoy. It 's too easy to make fools out of the classroom for not listening to the anthem or insulting the flag. The country is tired of the feast of a group of charlatans who play with the dignity of
institutions. You should be proud to represent Italy at the whole ".
to Mr Reguzzoni, which says that tomorrow will not be here because the kindergartens are closed, will stay with their children should go to the streets or in any other public prefer to celebrate with joy with the children and the 150th anniversary of the d 'Italy. " This was the comment of Francesca Puglisi School Manager PD. "This is why schools will be closed tomorrow: to enable all to participate in this great celebration. Unless Mr Reguzzoni Consider Italy joined only when he has to collect the monthly combined income it receives. "
For Emanuele Fiano , Head of Security of PD, "If tomorrow, as evidenced in the words of the parent Reguzzoni, a significant representation of the League will not attend the ceremony and speech of the President of the Republic, that will be a gesture of no return. Personally, I consider contrary to the role of Parliament of the Republic, the Regional Council, a minister in the government or, at least, elected in the Republican establishment with the non-participation in the celebration of the official 150.mo anniversary of the unification of Italy. Too easy ask Parliament's vote to approve the federalism and then abandon it when it celebrates the history of our country. "
"The idiotic scripted that are occurring in these hours, the exponents of the League's anniversary of the unification of Italy, are serious and offend all Italian citizens, regardless of whether they live in the north to the center or south. " This was stated in a note Sergio D'Antoni responsible for the organization and policies of the Democratic Party in the territory. "It would be a mistake at this point, the declassified is happening in individual cases and limited. There are 'extremists' or 'bad apples'. There's a party like the Northern League, which occupies seats in the weight of the national government, and yet feels free to publicly decry the appeal to the values \u200b\u200bof unity, solidarity and national cohesion. Faced with this data, repeated the same to himself for three years, criticism of the Russian sound very blunt and hypocritical. It makes better the shameful silence of Maroni, Calderoli and Bossi, who once again showed who's boss really Palazzo Chigi.
For Oriano Giovanelli , a member of the Democratic Party, "representatives of the Northern League have a really interesting challenge to the unification of Italy: despise the anthem and the Italian institutions and then, at the end of the month, when it comes to recover the fees paid by those same institutions, they have no major problems and in the mouth become more good. It seems to me a perfect interpretation of the double-sided propaganda of those who propose a boorish but a full stomach. "
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
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From a Sella and Minghetti Tremonti. Italy rigor without development
spending cuts and reforms of the historical Right at the beginning of the unit began to put public finances, but left the nation exhausted. It was the Left Crispi Depretis and get it off the ground. Today history is repeating itself in reverse: after treatment Ciampi, Italy is in decline. An interesting article.
of Roberto Petrini from Repubblica Affari & Finanza, March 14, 2011
They called
spending cuts and reforms of the historical Right at the beginning of the unit began to put public finances, but left the nation exhausted. It was the Left Crispi Depretis and get it off the ground. Today history is repeating itself in reverse: after treatment Ciampi, Italy is in decline. An interesting article.
of Roberto Petrini from Repubblica Affari & Finanza, March 14, 2011
"Do not spend a penny more than what comes in hand." This was the aspiration that the secular public finance of Superman 'Italy as an infant recited in public and in private.
They called
Quintino Sella and Minghetti Marco, exchanged the baton between 1861, when the first meeting of Parliament and the 1876 end date of the Government of the Right. Their goal was to those considered impossible: bring down the enormous debt that the infant had accumulated unitary state to finance the wars of the Risorgimento. How did they do? Administer public as if it was the 'family farm, did not spend a penny more than they could. Thrift and discipline were their words of 'order. One way of life that economic conception.
Quintino Sella, Biella hydraulic engineer, when he was already in politics, in 1863, was the first to reach the summit of Monte Viso, and in his spare time, he found a way to establish the CAI, the Italian Alpine Club. The title of an essay speaks volumes about his character: "Theory and practice of the slide rule." Not that he was a provincial spent a long period of study in Paris and did not neglect the 'Europe. As Marco Minghetti, on 16 March 1876 announced in Parliament on reaching a balanced budget was no less experience and stubbornness: he left Bologna to fight with the captain's 'War in the Piedmontese army' s independence, he found time to travel for the Old Continent, he studied biology, mineralogy, chemistry, botany and economy. It is said that reciting Dante everything by heart.
had to do the 'Italy and did it, even from an economic standpoint. They made the pound become the coin of the kingdom, created the General Accounting Office and the Court of Auditors. Together with the 'Italy was born July 10, 1861, the Great Book of debt, the curse of the Peninsula. Even then he was full of numbers in the column of the past and the loans were mainly delivered in dangerous foreign hands: the Hambro (1851), the Rothschilds (1857) in Blount (1866). A situation similar to Greece and Portugal today, to understand where each signature had slaves in international markets and our "income" regularly quoted on the Paris Stock Exchange. Sella and Minghetti, Tremonti as today, did not sleep soundly.
's only requirement of the two rocky ministers that Italy had just been created or saved, as an alternative to cash more.
Cut military spending, although it took ten years to finance the suppression of uprisings south. But above all, raise taxes and invented new ones: the 'Sella engineer devised a gimmick to calculate directly to' domestic mills 's assessment of' odious meal tax. It was introduced on the new model of mobile wealth income tax English is the first to rate Once the income earned by a person without the use of various clues and bizarre as the number of windows or the fireplace in the 'home of the taxpayer. It was reformed the taxation of financial income and agriculture. At the end of public expenditure in GDP fell from 16.7 percent in 1866 to 13 percent in 1868 and remained at this level for the 'entire following decade. Trifles compared to today's levels, but then it was a great success. The same applies to the tax burden: rose by 4 percentage points in 1871 to reach 10.8 per cent of GDP.
rigorous air of moral free-trade but the right one was immune from the vulgar anti-statism: eliminated duties until the point of damaging the 'weak and small southern industry accustomed to international comparison. But Sella and Minghetti, who had the obsession of good governance and improvements, the economy did not think at all that belonged only to rotagonisti private. Of course, the Right touched the liquidation of 'axis clergyman: he did it without too many scruples assigned to a ministerial Quintino Sella, although at first he wanted to even recourse to a pool of foreign banks. Empirical evidence shows, however, the public purse, was determinative: the Right railways built, using the formally private but financed thoroughly (so much so that today there 'who say that the budget is balanced, realized after expenses railway would be an accounting artifice). Eventually, between 1860 and 1865, were built 2,100 km of track.
Public works marked the first stirrings of that Italy: they built huge water works as the Channel Tunnel and the Cavour Fréjus, walked the Gotthard. John Maynard Keynes, theorist of 'public intervention in the economy, would be born only in 1883. However, by the Right was not enough to revive the 'Italy that came out exhausted. He touched the left, and Depretis Crispi, the task of making us take off: in 1887 he arrived, energetic, protective customs tariff (from 'steel wool, wheat), while marine and rail companies were abundantly favored by the affluent public procurement. On balance the average product per capita increased by 29 percent between 1861 and 1910 and much of the credit was the turning point of economic policy of the Left and on the end of the century, the so-called boom Giolittian security and insurance when they began to give citizenship and right to consume even the working masses.
A hundred years later, the 'Italy is once again at a turning point. The eighties of the twentieth century, with the political system and blocked the perennial coalitions of the First Republic, had developed and magnified corruption public debt. It was since 1992 that the governments of Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, but also by Giuliano Amato and Lamberto Dini Romano Prodi had to pursue the path of discipline and be prepared to abandon the pound for the 'euro, the new common European currency. He was shot down public debt, reforming the pension indexation system, designed to introduce new taxes also affect the heritage.
care prepared by these heirs of 'austerity of the historical Right worked. But phase two and development policy, was never initiated el 'Italy continues to grow half of the other countries. Instead of Crispi and Giolitti Depretis in the first decade of this century, the rudder passed all'antistatalismo rebellious and liberal Berlusconi. The purse strings were tightened, the indiscriminate cuts. Development projects and industrial policy are not talking. L 'Italy celebrates its 150 years with the bleak prospect of economic decline. Because the penalty is not a later development.
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Atomic Alarm: Oscar Giannino evacuated
Satire (AMARA) of Marco Travaglio, the daily, March 16, 2011
Satire (AMARA) of Marco Travaglio, the daily, March 16, 2011
first Italian victim of the Japanese nuclear disaster: five days are been no news of Oscar Giannino, a columnist of Panorama, Messenger, Gazzettino Morning, Radio 24. Precisely since Saturday, when the front page of the manufacturer's Roman Caltagirone appeared a comment by its outright: "Nuclear sure, it is the litmus test." Indignation against those who dared to "disseminate news on the alert and boost nuclear power," the colorful expert declared: "However, if the state acts first thing you can say, is that it is the terrible intensity of the phenomenon which hit Japan gives us a new confirmation of the fact that safety of nuclear facilities, the progress made in recent decades have been impressive, such as to hold in reality, without endangering environments and populations "and so on.
short, "the procedures of automatic shutdown of the reactors were suddenly turned on" and "the power they held." Ergo "groped to demonstrate that nuclear power can not afford this technology is proof of gross ignorance." Unfortunately that crass ignorance of the premier technological Naoto Kan does not read the Messenger: in fact gave notice to residents within 30 km from Fukushima to evacuate or travel to barricade themselves inside. Meanwhile, Giannino had missed its mark: the unconfirmed report all glowing with pink swimsuit in the reactor 2, while making the aerosol and diving in cooling tank. The Messenger promptly replace it with Alberto CLO ("From Nuclear can not be ignored") and Ennio Di Nolfi (woe to "improvised and hasty conclusions. It would be a futile exercise"). These giants of thought should be sent at once to Japan as motivators of people fleeing. One lives in a station, the explode feels three times a night, you see mushroom clouds come out nice and would be tempted to turarsi nose and cut and run.
But here's the door to Professor Di Nolfi, who came specially from Italy to warn him: "Halt! No hasty conclusions or impromptu, it would be futile exercise. Take a deep breath and Relax with the messenger. "Where is other evidence indicate memorable:" The emotions influence the choices of the West, "" An accident that hampers the nuclear renaissance. "Yes, because compared to the Florence of Lorenzo the Magnificent was Neanderthal. Moreover, reassure the experts of the Messenger, the central Italian next venture will have "a redundant system of security," with as many as "four cooling systems" (more Oscar Giannino mint sucking and blowing fresh air), "the risk that the cloud Japanese arrivals in Italy is very remote, given the greater distance "(but should be?) and also in Japan, however, everything is under control, although the Japanese government does not know:" No leakage from the core, only minor radioactive leaks ", being" brought about by the technical facility to release the excess steam. "Bump Two, no more. Meanwhile, Fireman della Sera, which has among its shareholders manufacturers Ligresti and Toti, gives us a bold calculation Massimo Nava: "It is science that zero risk does not exist. But in France no serious incident occurred in 1450 years (figure obtained by multiplying 58 reactors for 25 years of medium each).
Multiplying then greek Pi, has revealed no serious nuclear accident occurred has run in 4553 years, from 2542 BC, when the Phoenicians settled in the Mediterranean. They are satisfying. The rest of the time, the manufacturer Bonifaci - "can not close all the plants of French" who are very close to us, so we might as well farcene someone in the house. It's pure logic: because I have a neighbor that could arsonist set fire to the house, the fire before me. So I do not care
Government Hiding Aliens Us
Viewers of the return of Rais
massacring the inhabitants Gaddafi of Libya and the West talk. Qaddafi is bringing the whole country under his monstrous dictatorship mainly due to total control of airspace, as was observed by all observers. It would be enough to bomb airports where the bloody dictator serves as their base. French President Sarkozy has tossed a sentence, to give the news of opening the news, but was careful not to get serious. Chatter, in fact. The rest of Europe, even those, while Obama continues to rack up "to be or not to be?" Of the "no-fly zone" and the rebels to be shot down from the sky.
is almost a months that the insurgency began, Europe could have at least two weeks to officially recognize the leadership of the rebels as the only legitimate interlocutor in Benghazi, the only representative Libya, and furnish it with weapons and logistics facilities and information necessary to meet the inevitable counter-attack of the colonel. Every day more traccheggio was gold and frankincense and myrrh to the dictator of Tripoli, that even a child could understand it. Italy transplant Arcore was ignominiously forefront of this new edition of Pontius Pilate, shame the rest are obvious as the two companions of sumptuous snacks. The rebels have been left alone, and if this continues it will end in a bloodbath, and in return the more ruthless of the iron heel.
The democratic voice of the streets has been felt little or nothing, as if the fate of dictatorship or the liberation of all Africa and the Mediterranean exoticism that does not concern us. Because it is evident that the solution will exert enormous influence in Libya incertissimi balances still in Egypt and Tunisia between democratic forces and the forces of Leopard, and what will happen or not in Morocco and Algeria. Democracy is not exported with the military invasion, repeated tune with painful bipartisan government and the opposition (and not always true, Hitler would probably have died of old age in the Reichstag), but this does not help in a popular uprising in place, with arms and a minimum of air support, there runs. The difference is called cowardice. The tragedy has not yet been accomplished, Europe and the West can still support targeting and involving youth layers also strongly secular intellectuals. Meraviglino if you do not, in the absence, the next uprising will be more important than ever.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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Gelmini MIND
harsh response to the CGIL statement of the Minister on TV: "The teachers were exterminated, the funds in ten years fell from 259 to 88 million while those for equal doubled. And next year the ax will fall again Intravaia of SAVE, La repubblica.it
"Gelmini" turns the reality. "The public release of yesterday evening by the Minister of Education to show" Che tempo che fa ", conducted by Fabio Fazio, gives rise to the CGIL and multiplies the controversy about the school. The minister said three main things that teachers in Italy are too many and that the government is limited to contain organic plant teachers, janitors that there are more police and the schools are dirty; that the demonstrations in defense of public schools are not credible because protesters then send their children to equal.
"We are without words - says Mimmo Pantaleo, general secretary of the FLC CGIL - A minister without credibility and without shame, first Chairman of the Board defend when attacked by teachers and 'another is promoting the improvement of the quality of public schools. But what quality is talking Gelmini? blatantly contradict the data. " And down a long list of numbers. "From next year there will be 19 000 and 700 teachers and administrative 500 14 000 less, in addition to the sensational cuts of the last two years. Other than containment of the plant organs, as stated by the minister."
But the match also applies to equal funding, specifically mentioned by Prime Minister Berlusconi in recent weeks. "The political choices of the center-right government, in office almost continuously for 11 years, they put on the ropes the public school, depletion of funds, teachers and support staff, technical and administrative: 130 000 posts in less than three years," the CGIL. While funding for private schools increased from 297 million euro in 2000 to 528 in 2011. And state schools? Appropriations for the law 440/97, for the improvement of training, fell from 259 million in 2001 to almost 88 this year.
The same appropriations for educational and administrative operation of schools: 331 million in 2011 to 122 this year. The OECD data 2010, then - concludes Pantaleo - tell a different reality: Italy invests less in school, 4.5 percent in relation to the GDP compared to an average of 5.7 percent. And dis in research and public universities. The schools are in red and are forced to rely on voluntary contributions of families and while the school was languishing, the school enjoyed the private financing state almost unchanged.
Silvio Berlusconi the atom.
(article by Peter Gomez)
grows in Japan 's nightmare nuclear. During the night (six in the morning local time), a new explosion in central Fukushima held their breath the inhabitants of the country devastated by the earthquake. even the alarm radioactivity Sale: Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan asked the residents within a radius of thirty kilometers not to leave their homes. New surveys say that the level of radiation in the air is greater than ten times more than normal even at 100 km from Tokyo. Yesterday yet another attempt to pump sea water reactor nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The TEPCO, the operator of Japan, after the failure of previous attempts to cool the bar has already announced " the beginning of a core meltdown"
The good news is that in reality the Italian nuclear decided nothing is for real. Although the law on the atom and the agreement signed last year with France's EDF and Enel our country has plenty of time to change his mind and perhaps a different energy policy. The bad news is that our elites have no desire to reflect. So much so that now the majority can only parroting: "Let's go forward."
Yet in any nation serious (but ours unfortunately is not) what is happening in Japan would be taken by everyone whether for a real debate and analysis. Even the pro-nuclear. Who bears the atom with no ifs or buts, explains that the central Nipponese are in crisis because of an older generation. And while flying over on the still unresolved (and fundamental) issue of waste, says that in our (third generation), similar incidents will not happen. Is this true? It is false? The ministers Renato Brunetta , Paolo Romani and Stefania Prestigiacomo that you are spending so much for building reactors have the technical competence and kindness to respond?
At this time, moreover, the two main objections used to counter those who sided against the central, appear meaningless. It is wrong to say, as the policy that while Italy is surrounded by the reactors it is therefore useless to give up the atom, because like it or not it is at the mercy of what happens over-border. As illustrated by evacuation plans in case of an accident is worse than those living near the power stations. Who is not far away.
is even more wrong to insist too much on the correct reasoning but economic-ecological. Given the Italian projects, he just smile who repeats that oil is too expensive and that one has to inquinantissimi not unlimited and independent of fossil fuels. The thirty billion euro that you want to invest in new plants may be able to be productive in 15 years. Given the lead times and those related to our bureaucracy is unrealistic to think that the Italian-French reactors can operate before. And surprisingly, in a few highlight (though it does Emma Bonino) as once lit will be used to cover only 4 percent of the energy needs of Italy.
would therefore be helpful for someone from among those who claim to be the Government explain to people what you intend to do over the next three decades. We remain hanging to the wishes of Gaddafi or Putin on duty? Or maybe there equipped with alternative solutions as in Germany and the United States?
Our self-appointed rulers will do? Hard to believe. Even if a coup is still possible. Legato, unfortunately, not a reflection, but the polls .
Premier Silvio Berlusconi knows that if the situation in Japan (God forbid) even worse, for him referendum of June will be resolved in a sensational debacle. The possibility that the consultations fail to achieve a quorum is concrete right now. And tomorrow could be even more. But a defeat such a weak executive like his can not afford it. Especially because people are likely to reject not only the nuclear and standards on water privatization, but also the law on such failure. A provision that the Constitutional Court has cleared, but that is a standard symbol. If the voters to delete, it means that he too wants to cancel, our beloved prime minister.
not for nothing that the Prime Minister is silent or speaks anything else. He's trying to figure out how to throw. Quorum if the risk will increase even try to run for cover. Perhaps acting by decree. Berlusconi will leave it the country without power. It obviously will not put up a real plan for alternative energy policy. But at least have plenty of time to deal with what for him is really important: the robes and justice.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Boat Licence South Australia
An old man I do not like - Luis Sepulveda
I like old, but not all, and I never feared old age because the life has offered me unconscious with senior tri formidable. With men and women who have led or leading wrinkles, white hair, 's apparent slowness, with pride and joy, and now that I'm going to make sixty I prepare to become like them.
Those women and men who are on the faces of the map glorious glorious lives are the model and my respect for them and want to talk about myself in these pages of a pathetic old man who is exactly the contrary and is same image of old age, a prisoner of a fate similar to that of Dorian Gray.
The old of this chronicle is an Italian who has replaced the serenity usually granted by a libertine smisuraro years. I suppose that once the is happened of attend the sole purpose of complaint, at a Mass in scene Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui of Brecht and has decided that the mirrors were used as a guide to remedy by means of prosthesis what that life's denied.
He started distorting his physical stature , because the other, the moral is, fortunately, untouchable. A shoemaker's designs special shoes fitted with hidden wedges that allow about four inches above the level of the sea. From here, the work of a tailor who has to pack pants two legs that are not his, and must dotargli jackets of straps showing a tall man, and even robust. There is, however the problem of head, because there are implants which increase the size, and in front of the mirror to try to put Mussolini, his remains to an old basset, almost devoid of neck, slipped to force in a foreign body . The fall of hair is a matter decided by years is a law of nature, and all transplants in which it is subject have failed because 'grass does not grow on barren land. So, perhaps inspired by the famous spot that adorns the head of Gorbachev, has decided to tattoo a dark shadow under her four scrubby hair, and the final effect is that of an old man who is covers her head with a beret ragged. Once, a makeup artist decided to cover the wrinkles on the face of Sir Lawrence Olivier, the great actor who first came out on stage to play Hamlet. The great actor politely stopped him and said: "There are wrinkles, scars are loved ones who left me the best battles .
The Italian that I refer, instead, decided to become "the most beautiful in Europe and is admitted to a Swiss clinic specializing in cosmetic surgery. The end result is to a Chinaman who has serious problems to open my eyes. So, after a series of bankruptcies expected in an apprentice Peter Pan, has opted to proclaim to the world the manhood of the Latin lover elderly.
may be something of most grotesque of an elderly basset but all strutting " half bald head painted with , almond-eyed force of the scalpel, and the perfect teeth with treatments that prevent him to shut up? If this nightmare vision add a teenager, still a minor, generously presented by parents, a child who candidly calls Elder "popes," we have a plot from a comic opera that safe does turn Rossini and Puccini in his grave.
infinity of tissues, that is, chil-looking girls tile but discreetly bitches, invaded the rendered Journal incidence rates in the elderly with prostitutes who call themselves business escort, and far from proclaimed sea to the four winds under amatory dell'anfitrione, these ladies declare that it is of a sympathetic tico old man, whose sexual prowess is her most sit with him watching old videos, where he sings boring romantic songs of Italy Domenico Modugno. The old villa has a in Sardinia, amazing as it is kitsch, which is frequented by groups of tissue carried by air 's Italian Air Force, to cheer other old men who go there demonstrating their Europeanism. In the midst of the girls who do bathroom with him a few things, thanks to expertise of a paparazzo, we saw a man deeply Eurosceptic government, which sported an erection against exchequer Italian public and the center of this figure of steel "popes" who, to hear the invited, walk back and forth his senile arrogance, his insolent senility, the its ignoble decline, convinced that the new Nero.
is, as the Bible give to God what is of God, Caesar and a geriatric.
Folding Curtain Topper
assemblies will be held Monday, March 21, 2011 at 9:15 p.m. at the Town Hall in the Council Chamber in Impruneta and Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 21:15 at the Hall of Public Service in via della Repubblica Tavarnuzze.
material, together with a report of the Mayor, will be visible on the website of the Municipality.
Assemblies to understand from Monday, March 21
This year the City Council has organized meetings of the Budget in a somewhat 'different.
In fact, the lack of participation in such meetings is likely due to too much technicality of this issue and the difficulty of citizens to understand and enter into the merits.
why the Government has prepared a presentation card, which will be screened and then discussed and will try to explain the mechanisms of formation of the budget (revenue, expenditure, Stability Pact) and characteristics of some services, those who have the greatest impact with the public (school, social, maintenance and public works).
It 's a first attempt, that the Town Council will improve over time and that the territory will be brought in later to ensure a relationship of openness and transparency with the public.
Assemblies to understand from Monday, March 21
This year the City Council has organized meetings of the Budget in a somewhat 'different.
In fact, the lack of participation in such meetings is likely due to too much technicality of this issue and the difficulty of citizens to understand and enter into the merits.
why the Government has prepared a presentation card, which will be screened and then discussed and will try to explain the mechanisms of formation of the budget (revenue, expenditure, Stability Pact) and characteristics of some services, those who have the greatest impact with the public (school, social, maintenance and public works).
It 's a first attempt, that the Town Council will improve over time and that the territory will be brought in later to ensure a relationship of openness and transparency with the public.
assemblies will be held Monday, March 21, 2011 at 9:15 p.m. at the Town Hall in the Council Chamber in Impruneta and Wednesday, March 23, 2011 at 21:15 at the Hall of Public Service in via della Repubblica Tavarnuzze.
material, together with a report of the Mayor, will be visible on the website of the Municipality.
Tingling Fingertips. And Blurred Vision
Night Shift
Claudio Martelli, former Dolphin Craxi and former minister, is a candidate at municipal Siena. Just as well: we were missing ...
Former Minister of Justice, former member of the Italian Socialist Party, then of the Italian Democratic Socialists, the new PSI and finally conductor programs TV , Claudio Martelli, falls back into the "field" and this time we test in Siena where he decided to attend the next administration of the City of Tuscany. Hammers will leaders of the General Assembly in support of mayoral candidate Gabriele Corradi for the Civic and political parties of the Third Pole. Eight years later, therefore, Hammers will try again because - as stated persentando his candidacy - "the attraction to politics I have it inside. I survived eight years, doing something completely different: the commentator, author of television programs. "Siena is perhaps a test case for the former minsitro, so much so that admitting no doubt: it would be a challenging experience for all of Italy, Siena if it were possible to reverse the decay and to stop the resignation which is manifested in not voting "
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