In 2050 80% of German will come from wind and photovoltaics. The reactors employ 30 thousand people, the green economy occupies 340 000
BERLIN - you see them sprout anywhere, while traveling on the highway from the capital to Monaco and Hanover and the South or West: with their soft hum of the large wind turbine blades just break the silence of the German countryside. Or anywhere on the houses of the rich Bavarian or the prefabricated blocks of flats in West Berlin to the Soviet Union that he inherited from communism, see the solar panels. Renewable energy flies in Germany. Not only on the Stock Exchange, where the titles in the last hours of SolarWorld, Q-Cells, Nordex and Siemens of clean energy industry recorded jumps from 20 to 40 percent. Do you see around every corner, has become a constitutive factor of daily life. Germany's conservative Angela Merkel, who says "when in doubt, we are for safety" stop for at least three months and seven of its 16 reactors, is also the economic power more than any other is to think and plan strategically launched the new world of energy.
How can we remain competitive and prosperous after the atom, after oil. Meanwhile, energy efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of the country-took off, while those of many states voted atom, France in the lead, began to take not more than the head of the German global player in the great game of world markets.
"The environmental policy is the policy of the future, also for the economy," said Environment Minister Norbert Roettgen, Democrat as Chancellor. Official figures of his ministry, which neither businesses nor deny the Greens, are clear: the efficient use of raw materials in the German economy grew by 46.8% between 1994 and 2009, ie in the same period in which gross domestic product grew by 18.4%. The costs of the economic system of Germany fell to € 100 billion. Just as, in parallel, the percentage of energy produced by nuclear power fell from 27.3% in 1991 to a figure around 20% (up to the closure of seven reactors decided yesterday), and that of renewable flew over the same period of time from 3 , 2 to 17%. And only from 2004 to 2009 has doubled.
"The shutdown of the seven power stations, agreed by the government, should not produce shocks either for the economy, either for consumers or high-bill problems or production of electricity," said Aribert Peters, Consumer Union Energy: After the turning point of the nuclear Merkel in his bet on the markets at stable prices. Perhaps they have their reasons, do not expect environmental activists want to wildflower meadows or the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. For Germany the system, explains Dietmar Edler and Marlene O'Sullivan in a report to the DIW economic institute, renewables and alternatives have become a bargain. As with BMW and Mercedes, with Airbus and Eurofighter, here, too, made in Germany is the best on the market.
From 2007 to 2009, investments in renewable energy from 11.4 to 20.4 billion euro. The turnover of the sector, including export, is about 21 billion €, and then in three years has grown by nearly 40%. Even through the 2009 economic crisis and financial markets. Public funds and tax breaks to help growth. A production of electricity at 100% reliable sources is possible by 2050, says the Ministry of Roettgen, and the Government has set itself the target of 80%. "The majority of the center should do more and more close power before elections difficult, "notes Baerbel Hohn, one of the most listened to leaders of the Greens. But hidden just satisfaction as the center and the establishment are doing their constituent values \u200b\u200bof the environmental movement. cross-party consensus was not declared, on behalf of figures: while the German nuclear reactors employ, according to Gruenen, about 30 thousand people employed in the renewables sector have increased by about 340 thousand 277mila 2007 to present. will continue to grow long before the industry becomes saturated as auto or steel. "Farewell to nuclear may be a long process, we discuss openly if it takes ten or twenty years or how many, but it is possible," he thinks the European Greens leader Daniel Cohn-Bendit.
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