Ethics or repression?
E 'for a long time that I pose a question .... . We live
in an increasingly obliged, laws, decrees, sub-paragraphs, which often (or always) be interpreted. It is becoming increasingly difficult to work, have fun, and think.
Often the answer is always the same ".. this legislation is necessary because a dishonest .....", could" have done well to make this law so those who defraud now have life more difficult ...." etc. ......
That we do not trust more than anything or anyone, and then it becomes necessary to approve a host of laws to try not to harm those who have the intention, but all law-abiding citizens?
It 'just a bureaucracy with countless harassing those who operate within the law, in Justice in all honesty?
would not be much better to invest in ethical and moral, and have a political class that is the first to teach the very basis of democracy and promoting civil relations between citizens?
I'm sick of seeing for years "squabbles" among politicians, too often over the edge of civilization.
Maybe I'm a dreamer or a visionary, perhaps it would take too long, but I strongly believe that it was not only repression that shape a people, not with laws that are binding on everyone and everything, that stop dishonest people.
Let's think about investing in ethics and morality in schools, colleges, workplaces and entertainment venues in the family ...... perhaps our life would change or at least would all more serene.
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