Life is too short to drink mediocre wine
The road safety legislation indicates the BAC limit to 0.5 g / l, and all were satisfied to interpret what is permissible to drink (3 glasses of wine 12 or 3 pitchers of beer, etc.). . Of course the problem is not to be underestimated, indeed, but I think it's a cultural problem and social unrest.
Speaking of the theme with some vending machines, they told me that the quantity of bottled wine for the restaurant had fallen by 30% (blame for the crisis?), But strangely that the spirits had declined so sharply. Without weird ......
The logical explanation was indicated that due to age:
- Take a family man (35-60 years) coming out one evening with friends or family, is well aware of the problem and often has to go home with your own car, so for fear that his license is " blocked ", both for compliance with the code rather drink a little. This person is usually the potential buyer of wine in the bottle, less than hard liquor.
-take rather a person with an age range between 18 and 25 years who goes out with friends in a disco. Have a gin-tonic, a cuba libre guy so much he drives well into the evening .......
Of course the explanation is not generalized, but it got me thinking ...... as Goethe said: "Life is too short to drink" wine "mediocre" - Drink a little but drink well.
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